Asic design flow

Digital IC design and vlsi notes

Asic design flow

source: this video from the series on ASIC design flow

ASIC design flow


Exceptions to constraints

  • Sometimes there are paths in a circuit that stops the PAR tool from achieving closure, yet these paths are not true paths

Multicycle path

  • Multi cycle paths are paths that exists between a register pairs, however the values that are supposed to be stored in the output registers aren’t supposed to be stored in one cycle, they can take multi cycle to settle
  • The case for configuration registers, sometimes set then we don’t reset them for a very long number of cycles.
  • if we insist that this path needs to be updated every cycle that’s gonna impose a condition on the PAR tool that does not need to be there

False paths

  • False paths are paths that exist but any time (setup, hold) violations should be ignored because these paths don’t actually exist
  • The case in synchronizers that are used to synch data that comes from a clock domain to data that come to another clock domain
  • The intermediate path between those two registers which form a synchronizer is a false path, it doesn’t do anything, it’s expected and normal at this point for the data to be corrupt (metastability)

last modified 15/04/2020