source: this video from the series on ASIC design flow
- Step at which the design starts to become hardware
Design flow
- High level modeling
- Fixed point modeling –> Fixed point simulation
RTL modeling –> behavioural simulation
- Behavioural simulation is bit-accurate and cycle-accurate
- Functional checking.
- Missing timing information (delays)
- Output from behavioural simulation should match the output from fixed point simulation bit-by-bit
Synthesis –> post synthesis simulation
- Synthesizer uses the library and the VHDL model
- Interprets the VHDL model in terms of building blocks exists in the library
- Its output is still a vhdl file called a netlist, contains instantiations of standard cell that exist in the library and the connections of these files with each other
- Synthesis (behavioural VHDL to structural VHDL derived entirely from the library)
- Output have information from the library about delays so this allows the synthesizer to calculate critical path delay, and delays of all paths
- post synthesis simulation is simulation like behavioural simulation but contains information about gate delays
last modified 15/04/2020